Services & Procedures

Interventional Pain Management

Southern Surgical Center specializes in care for patients with challenging conditions and the treatment of acute, sub-acute, and chronic muscle & nerve pain.

Primary Focus

Southern Surgical Center’s primary focus is to provide comprehensive pain care originating from spine and various musculoskeletal sources while fulfilling a responsibility to enrich the field of interventional spine & pain care. Board-certified in this specialty & employing the most advanced treatment techniques, we work one-on-one with patients who suffer from chronic and acute pain to determine the best treatment plan for relieving symptoms and allowing resumption and enjoyment of everyday activities. As Interventionalists, we utilize thorough history and physical examinations, supported with various imaging studies, electrodiagnostic evaluations, and targeted x-rays guided interventional procedures to accurately diagnose and effectively treat painful spinal and musculoskeletal conditions. Our approach to patient care addresses spine biomechanics, pathophysiology, neurophysiology, mechanism of injury, and adjustment to injury & painful conditions.


Treatment is provided by utilizing medications, therapy and a variety of Interventional procedures.

Services & Procedures

We provide a wide range of services and procedures to better assist you. On your initial visit, our staff will review your medical history in order to better evaluate your pain problem. This will also include a diagnostic evaluation which can include laboratory, neurological, and radiology testing.

Neck + Spine Surgery

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